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Plant protection products

Product intended for the defense of plants and agricultural production. Its composition includes one or more active substances responsible for the prevention or control of enemies or harmful organisms.

When applying plant protection products (FP) always take into account:


  • the principles of Integrated Protection;


  • the adoption of practices and products with less risk to human health and the environment;


  • the use of alternative means of struggle (such as biological, cultural, physical or biotechnical);


  • the application of the minimum effective dose on the label and the alternation  in  PF of  different modes of action, attenuates the occurrence of resistance phenomena.


Do not forget that it is necessary to:


  • carry out and keep, for at least 3 years, the record of all treatments in the field notebook;


  • the applicator card to use PF for professional use;


  • have a valid agricultural tractor driving license or the Course to Drive and Operate with a Tractor in Safety (COTS), when the application is made using a sprayer coupled to the tractor.

Agents gĂ© s single duck acquire and develop, more easily  resistance to FPs that act on a specific mechanism. They often have similar chemical structures, they are products to which there is often cross-resistance.


Cross-resistance occurs when an organism becomes resistant, not only to the FP used to combat it, but also to other FPs with the same mode of action.


Cross-resistance groups are called by acronyms, associated with mechanisms of action, usually originating from the Anglo-Saxon name, FRAC, IRAC and HRAC.


Fungicide Resistance Action Commitee, é um grupo dentro do Global Crop Protection Federation (GCPF), que estuda e analisa situações de resistência aos fungicidas e propõe estratégias de utilização


Insecticide Resistence Action Commitee, é o grupo que classifica os inseticidas consoante o modo de ação


Herbicide Resistence Action Commitee, é o grupo que classifica os herbicidas consoante o modo de ação

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Federal Police  &  FRAC

PF listing  authorized by the DGAV for the cultivation of vines


Federal Police  & IRAC

PF listing  authorized by the DGAV for the cultivation of vines


Federal Police  & HRAC

PF listing  authorized by the DGAV for the cultivation of vines

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