Biological Production Course - General
Labor or
50 hours
Identify the principles of the biological production method (MPB); recognize the techniques applied in MPB; carry out the cultural operations of preparation, maintenance and soil fertilization, plant protection, watering and harvesting, according to the principles of the Biological Production Mode of MPB; carry out food management, health, animal welfare and production operations, according to the principles of the Biological Production Mode; and recognize control and certification standards
Course Program
III Modules
I - Introduction to the course
II - Biological production mode (MPB)
Introduction to MPB
Soil, water and biodiversity conservation
Fertility and soil fertilization
plant protection
MPB of agricultural products of vegetable origin
Method of organic production of animals and animal products
Packaging and marketing
MPB control and certification
Conversion to MPB
III - Evaluation
Access Conditions
≥ 18 years of age Minimum compulsory education*
Farmers, Operators and Workers
* Mandatory minimum education depending on the year of birth:
4 years of schooling – birth until December 31, 1966;
6 years of schooling – birth between January 1, 1967 and December 31, 1980;
9 years of schooling – birth from January 1, 1981