Integrated Vine Production Course
Labor or
50 hours
Empower participants with knowledge, skills and attitudes to apply the integrated production method in vineyards.
Course Program
XI Modules
I - Introduction to the course
II - Introduction to integrated production (IP) and integrated production mode (MPI)
III - Specific Legislation
IV - PF Application
V - Integrated Protection
VI - Plant component MPI techniques
VII - Animal component MPI techniques
VIII - Collection, storage and conservation of products of plant origin
IX - Control and certification of plant and animal products
X - Field notebook
XI - Evaluation
Access Conditions
≥ 18 years of age Minimum compulsory education*
Farmers, Operators and Workers
* Mandatory minimum education depending on the year of birth:
4 years of schooling – birth until December 31, 1966;
6 years of schooling – birth between January 1, 1967 and December 31, 1980;
9 years of schooling – birth from January 1, 1981